Janez Bregar, Slovenia observership report from Moorfield Eye Hospital, London, UK
I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Moorfields Eye Hospital. The entire adnexal team, including the consultants and fellows, made me feel welcome and involved in their day-to-day work. I had the opportunity to experience a complete work week, attending clinics, observing surgeries, and participating in teaching sessions.
The organization of the observership was exemplary, as I always knew where I needed to be thanks to the thoughtful planning. On my first day, the observership coordinator, Ms. Pennyuick, provided a comprehensive tour of the hospital, ensuring I was familiar with the layout from the outset. Throughout my stay, Ms. Pennyuick was incredibly helpful, promptly addressing any questions I had, allowing me to make the most of my time at Moorfields.
I appreciated the flexibility shown by the hospital, which allowed me to participate in activities that were not initially scheduled. This flexibility enabled me to seize additional learning opportunities. The consultants were enthusiastic about sharing their knowledge and included me in the educational process alongside the fellows. Witnessing the fellows’ progress and experiencing the dynamics of a fellowship firsthand inspired me to pursue a fellowship myself.
Another valuable aspect of my observership was gaining insights into the organization of the healthcare system in the UK and comparing it to the system in my own country. This provided a broader perspective and allowed me to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of both systems. In conclusion, I highly recommend pursuing an observership abroad, particularly at Moorfields Eye Hospital.