EuLDP Class of 2021-2023

Hannele Uusitalo-Järvinen MD, PhD.

Louis Arnould MD, FEBO, PhD
EuLDP Project: A European Glaucoma Registry: to improve patients outcomes and research

Dr. Sven Schnichels
EuLDP Project: To foster the exchange between young medical and life science ophthalmic researchers

Dr. Nuno Alves
EuLDP Project: Implement cataract surgery outcomes analysis focused on patients centered results

Drs. I.L.A. van Liempt MD
The Netherlands
EuLDP Project: Ophthalmic care in the right place

Andrew Tatham MD, FRCOphth, FRCSEd, FEBO
United Kingdom
EuLDP Project: The Scottish Ophthalmic Imaging Society

Kindly supported  by an unrestricted Educational Grant from Thea