Andrew Scott
Title: Andrew Scott MD FRCOphth MRCSEd FEBO Phd
Position: Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon Moorfields Eye Hospital London
Residency Program: Moorfields Eye Hospital London
Certifications & Awards:
Certificate of Completion of Training from North Thames London Deanery
Glaucoma Fellowship Moorfields Eye Hospital
Awarded Fight For Sight Research Fellowship in laboratory neuroscience UCL Institute of Ophthalmology leading to PhD
Research Fellowship in clinical research Moorfields Eye Hospital
Member of the International Glaucoma Panel and Mentoring Program – a three year scholarship program
Lecturer and examiner UCL and City University London
Location: London, UK
Contact Information:
Joined SOE YO: 2010
Political mission within SOE-YO: Chair
Future visions within SOE-YO:
Ensuring sessions and content at SOE congress and other international meetings are relevant for European young ophthalmologists
Promoting harmonisation and standardisation of European ophthalmology training
Other interests/hobbies: Travelling, architecture, cooking