2022 EUPO Course on Orbit and Oculoplastics
Following the highly successful EUPO on-line course on Cornea last Autumn, the EUPO second on-line course will take place Friday, November 18, open for an at-cost fee of 25 Euro to any European resident in ophthalmology. Residents from Ukraine can register for free by contacting the EUPO Office (office@eupo.eu).
Since 2018, the EUPO Courses now follow the four viva voce topics of the European Board of Ophthalmology Diploma Examination. The EBO topic last year was split in two. The first part, the 2021 EUPO Autumn Course, covered Cornea and Ocular Surface Disease, and the second part, the 2022 EUPO Autumn Course, will cover Orbit and Oculoplastics.
The programme includes Dr. Jacques Lasudry from Belgium and Prof. Pierre-Yves Robert from France as course co-directors in Autumn 2022. They have designed a superb programme and have selected and invited a leading faculty from across Europe.
Registration is open through the EUPO website http://www.eupo.eu where residents also can preview the full programme.
EUPO will be able to accommodate up to 1000 residents on this on-line event that will help them to become better future ophthalmologists and to pass easier the EBO Diploma Examination.