Aleksandra Smiljkovic SOE Grant Report

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the SOE Educational Committee for providing me with the excellent opportunity to spend four weeks in the department of Cornea and Anterior Segment Diseases Unit at FOM (Fundación de Oftalmología Médica de la Comunidad Valenciana) in Valencia, Spain. 

During the observership, I had the opportunity to attend clinical work and lectures and to observe advanced anterior segment surgical procedures, such as DSAEK, DMEK, DALK. Each day that I spent there was very well organized in advance and the period spent at the clinic was very useful for me. In addition, hospitality was at a high level as well. Everyone was very kind to me, doctors shared their knowledge and were eager to give me all the answers I needed. They made my stay at the clinic very pleasant and very useful for my future career. I am very grateful for this wonderful opportunity to learn from such medical experts. 

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the whole team, and my special appreciation goes to Dra. Esther Fernández López, Dra. Maria José Roig Revert and The Chairman of the Teaching Committee of FOM Dra. Cristina Peris Martínez.

At FOM you will find professionalism and efficiency, based on the modern medical doctrine, professional staff and the most modern medical equipment, so as far as this is concerned, I highly recommend this medical centre to all future SOE Grant applicants.