SOE Grant Placement Report Jules Gonin Eye Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, Lesia Voitko

Lesia VoitkoFirst of all I would like to thank to SOE, which provide me with the Educational Grant for Ophthalmologist in training 2013 and opportunity to visit European ophthalmological centers.

I’m a child ophthalmologist, work in Ukrainian medical center of child ophthalmology and eye microsurgery National Child Spesialized hospital “OHMATDYT”. I am second year practice doctor and I am interested in oncoophthalmology. That’s why, I’ve chose Jules Gonin Eye Hospital ( Lausanne, Switzerland), child Oncoophthalmology unit for a 1-month observership under supervision of Prof. Munier.

My observership was built in the next way: Monday and Thursday – child oncoophthalmology unit, Tuesday and Wednesday – adult oncoophthalmology unit, Wednesday and Friday – Strabismus unit. In child oncoophthalmology unit, I had the possibility to see a large amount of patients with retinoblastoma from the whole world. I took part in the patient’s examination and then in the next week discussed with Prof. Munier all cases. He explained for us all reasons and indications for using treatment methods in any separate case. Also, we discussed future management of patients. Prof. Munier demonstrated to me up-to-date technologies and algorithms of treatment retinoblastoma patients, explained technical details of necessary manipulation, indication and contraindication for their using. Except discussing of patients, which I saw during the observership, Prof. Munier shared with us his experience.

Because the main days of patient acceptance in child oncoophthalmology units are Monday and Thursday, Prof. Munier organized for my observership in adult oncoophthalmology unit and strabismus unit.  In adult oncoophthalmology unit I learned under Dr. Schalenbourg supervision. I took part in patients’ examination and visited the operation room. I acquainted with modern methods of melanoma treatment and their hands-on using. I saw in the first time surgical resection of choroidal melanoma.

In strabismus units, I learned under Dr. Kaeser supervision in operation room. I received a lot of information that I use every day in Ukraine. Also, I visited departments for outpatients  and  oculoplastic surgery.

During my observership, I also met many interesting people with whom I still communicate.

Florence du Pontavice, Assistante de Direction, successfully helped me with all organization questions.

Knowledge, which I received in the clinic has become great base for my present and future work.

From this observership I receive not only knowledge, but also possibility of direct consultation in difficult clinical cases.


Lesia Voitko, Kiev Ukraine