Ninoslav Petrov, Serbia, Teacher Grant Report

My name is Ninoslav Petrov. I’m a brand new ophthalmology specialist from Nis, Serbia. I gained SOE teacher’s grant, so I decided to spend 4 weeks on Vitreoretinal department, at hospital Fisabio Ophthalmologia Medica (FOM), in Valencia, where I happened to have been last April. The reason I wanted to go there again was the fact that I was more than thrilled while being there last year.

Spending time in the surgery room with these great vitreoretinal surgeons, and assisting them during very complex posterior segment operations was very important for my development as a young ophthalmologist (PPV, Scleral buckling, Cryotherapy…). As well, we examined patients with many posterior segment eye diseases, which was also very useful for me. I also had an opportunity to observe a couple of anterior chamber operations (DMEK; DSEK). First of all, I would like to show my gratitude to SOE and Prof. M. Hawlina for giving me the opportunity to gain this grant and spend some time in definitely one of the greatest Ophthalmology centres in Europe. Second, but not least, I must say one big thanks to the Chief of Vitreoretinal department at FOM, Dra Mari Carmen Desco, Dr Jorge Mataix Boronat and Dra Maria Jesus Lopez Pratz, for having me there, and so unselfishly sharing their ophthalmological and surgical skills and knowledge with me, and of course to Dra Cristina Peris Martinez, for running this beautiful hospital, where I really felt as if I wasn’t a guest, but a host.

So, for all further ophthalmologists who are considering where to go in order to spend their SOE grant, FOM is amazing.