SOE Observership – Dina Lešin Gaćina in Rome, Italy


Dina Lešin Gaćina

My name is Dina Lešin Gaćina and I am a resident in ophthalmology and optometry at the Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Croatia. Currently I am in the third year of my residency. I have obtained an educational grant at the European Society of Ophthalmology for the 2018 for which I am very grateful. I decided to perform my grant in Rome, Italy at IRCCS Fondazione G.B. Bietti per lo Studio e la Ricerca in Oftalmologia ONLUS. I arranged my observership and did bureaucratic procedure easily with Clinic.

As my field of interest is glaucoma, I have spent majority od my time with dott. Francesco Oddone and his team at Glaucoma Departement. Everyone has been very kind, helpful and willing to show me as much as they could. I was involved actively in their working schedule for all the time. On Monday and Tuesday the policlinic work was going on. Patients were presented to me so I could follow and understand cure and treatment for each one of the cases. Also, I could participate activities during visits and see diagnostics, treatment planning, laser procedures and approach to patients with diagnosis of glaucoma.

On Wednesday I have spent a day at operating theatre with dott. Oddone who explained  each procedure step by step. I was able to observe cataract surgery, glaucoma filtration surgery and mini invasive glaucoma surgery which was very beneficial for my observership.  Thursday is a day when the Glaucoma Team does scientific work and Clinical Trials so it was very useful experience.

I was introduced to colleagues from other departments at Clinic too, so I had opportunity to see many interesting cases and see how other departments work. I spent a day at the Department of Anterior Eye Segment, Medical Retina and Neuro-ophthalmology.

In the end, I would like to express my appreciation to the European Society of Ophthalmology. It is very useful and motivating that there is an organization which give opportunity to young ophthalmologist to upgrade their knowledge and clinical skills in ophthalmology. I am sure this experience will be beneficial for my future work.

Kind regards,

Dina Lešin Gaćina