AAO2016 Ophthalmology Around the Globe  – A YOs Perspective


Grace Sun AAO YO’s

Another  well attended session for YO’s at AAO2016 was Ophthalmology Around the Globe  – A YOs Perspective. Moderated by Grace Sun. Brad Feldman from the AAO discussed the work AAO were doing with EyeWiki, the Eye Encyclopedia written by Eye Physicians & Surgeons  for more details go to http://eyewiki.aao.org/Main_Page. The site is for ophthalmologists, other physicians, patients and the public. Articles written by ophthalmologists can be viewed covering a vast spectrum of eye disease, diagnosis and treatment. Any qualified ophthalmologist or ophthalmologist in training is invited to contribute content. 

Miguel González Andrades also spoke at the session discussing the work of SOE YOs in their new Fellowship platform and the quatrely newsletter. Click here for the SOE Fellowship platform


Miguel González Andrades