14 DAYS TO GO to Submit your abstract for SOE 2019!

Submit your abstract now for SOE2019 !

Present your work to an international delegation of experts and peers. Abstracts enable you to share your professional ophthalmic research and experiences to an engaged audience.
With Plans well underway for our Scientific Programme offering a plethora of sessions from some of the best lecturers and teachers in the world sharing their knowledge over the whole spectrum of ophthalmology. Whether you are looking for the Top 6 Neuro-Ophthalmologic Emergencies You Cannot Miss, or how to become a Master in Ophthalmology! SOE 2019 offers a world class scientific programme for all Ophthalmologists.
For the latest session details go to the online Scientific Programme at a Glance
We look forward to seeing you in Nice in 2019!
Jan Tjeerd de Faber