Eva Kos, Croatia, Educational Observership Grant report from Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisa, Italy
Thanks to SOE Educational Grant I had the opportunity to spend nearly one month in Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana, U.O. Oculistica Universitaria, Pisa, Italy. More than 5,000 surgeries in the filed of anterior segment (cataract, glaucoma, corneal transplant surgery) as well as the posterior segment are performed in this unit every year. The department is very well equipped and runs smoothly. I spent most of my training in operating rooms, observing and learning, as well as assisting during different kinds of surgeries. Also, I had the opportunity to participate in postoperative follow-ups in patients who underwent glaucoma surgery. I would like to point out how helpful, friendly and hospitable all the clinical staff were. I would like to thank the chairman of the department Professor Michele Figus who selflessly shared his knowledge and included me in all the activities he thought I’d find useful. Furthermore, I also appreciate kindness demonstrated by other specialists Dr. Casini and Dr. Guidi as well as residents who made me feel welcome and provided me step-by-step guidance in the OR. I’d like to express my gratitude to Associate Professor Chiara Posarelli who dealt with logistical details and administration and helped me organize my trip. To conclude I had very positive and educational experience – in addition to spending time with great experts I enjoyed beautiful Tuscany; and would highly recommend visiting this training centre. At the end I would like to express my gratitude to SOE Educational Committee for the opportunity to carry out training in one of the best hospitals in Italy as well as to meet and learn from leading experts, as this experience will certainly help me in my future career.