Category: SOE Grant Placement Reports

SOE Teacher Observership Report -Christina Nicolaeva Vidinova- Eye Clinic Tübingen, Germany

Posted on 12th July 2022 in Society News, SOE Grant Placement Reports

The Eye Clinic in Tubingen is one of the most modern, well equipped and perfectly organized ophthalmological clinics not only in Germany, but also in Europe. They have an outstanding vitreo retinal department, with most modern appliances and even Gene therapy. Prof. Bartz- Schmidt is an excellent surgeon and a really devoted teacher and scientist.

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Dr Selma Milišić, Bosnia and Herzegovina observership report from University of Bonn, Germany

Posted on 22nd June 2022 in Society News, SOE Grant Placement Reports

I would like to express my gratitude to the SOE Education Committee of the European Society of Ophthalmology and Professor Mark Hawlina for awarding me an educational scholarship for training ophthalmologists. The University Eye Clinic in Bonn, Germany was my choice of clinic and from this point of view, I can say that it was

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Ninoslav Petrov, Serbia, observership report from Fisabio Ophtalmologia Medica (FOM), Valencia

Posted on 13th June 2022 in Society News, SOE Grant Placement Reports, YO News

It’s been a huge pleasure to have had an opportunity of spending my SOE observership grant in Fisabio Ophtalmologia Medica(FOM) in Valencia. I spent my 4 weeks grant on the vitreoretinal department. From the very beginning it was so well organised with a schedule that was made in advance. Every day spent with other ophthalmologists

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Ana Ćurić, Croatia, observership report from LMU Klinikum der Universität München, Germany

Posted on 25th March 2022 in Society News, SOE Grant Placement Reports

I spent my observership at the Department for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. I have only positive experience with doctors and orthoptists. My training was very useful, I expanded my knowledge and clinical skills, and learned a lot, especially in the field of strabismus. I especially commend the Head of the Department prof. dr. Ehrt who

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